LUNATICS WITHOUT SKATEBOARDS INC., Welcome to the Asylum (1989, Aaarrg)

The skull:
A jawless skull smashing (exploding?) a skateboard! And, do I detect swirls of hypnosis and/or mesmerism in the sockets? A very nice painting that would make Pushead happy, until he realized that copyright law generally protects this kind of shameless style-aping from prosecution. This is a solid and well executed BDS in every way. You might even call it professional, befitting a legally incorporated band. Hopefully they filed as a C Corporation, as I’m sure Lunatics Without Skateboards Inc was a money-losing venture from the start.

The music:
Braindead speed metal that never stops. Everyone remembers the many great bands on Aarrg like Target, Mekong Delta, and Siren. Then they recall that the label also hosted some enjoyable if generic acts such as Holy Moses and Living Sacrifice. Only in the dim recesses of nightmare, at the midnight of the soul, do collectors realize that if they want to own the label’s entire, highly-collectible discography, they’re going to have to buy Welcome to the Asylum and that Calhoun Conquer LP. Night terrors ensue. Fortunately for no one, this album was reissued a few years ago with bonus demo tracks.
— Friar Johnsen

3 thoughts on “SKULL30

  1. Calhoun Conquer, LP
    Mekong Delta, LLP
    Siren, GmbH
    Holy Moses (& Sons), Ltd

    All of the bands on this label had to declare their legal structure.

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