LEGION666, Outbreak of Evil (2003, Iron Bonehead Productions)
The skull:
Charming in its hand-drawn crudeness, you can’t lose with an inverted crucifix slapped on the forehead and the title lettering dripping blood, or dripping some black shit that looks like blood. Totally “cult” in appearance, the eye holes of this skull have a curiously odd shape about them, looking more like designer sunglasses than legitimate eye sockets. They’d be called “Fat Casket, by Prada,” and this would be the company’s advertisement for said shades. It could happen.
The music:
This is Legion666’s side of a split shared with fellow Canadian black/thrash band Megiddo. Since Legion666’s original music is akin to Amebix meets early Sodom, it’s wholly appropriate that the bands cover Amebix and Sodom on this split. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, eh? So, do Legion666 do anything unusual or interesting with Sodom’s “Outbreak of Evil”? Not really. It recreates the trashy production and unchained ferocity of the original, but it’s crustier in a way where you just know at least half the band wear dreadlocks or have their hair crimped a la Axegrinder. And if they don’t, they should. I guess it’s worth one listen…but only one.
— Friar Wagner