NAISSANT, Promo 1999 (1999, demo)
The skull:
Though he bears some similarities to SKULL148, this fellow’s horns are stubbier, less developed, nascent, you could say. But while Takashi’s metallic hornyskull looks to have been fashioned from modelling clay and silver spray paint, Naissant’s cover-adorning BDS is more likely an extreme close up of a chintzy skull ring, possibly obtained for the Greek equivalent of twenty-five cents from a vending machine at a supermarket in Athens. Bonus points are awarded for the drippy, Misfits-esque, best of 1987 horror font. It’s a classic for a reason.
The music:
Reputedly black metal, Naissant left almost no digital trace of this lone recording, released on cassette. Most of the members have gone on to other bands in the Greek scene, but poor ol’ Promo 1999 has thus far failed to inspire even a single upload. While I lament not being able to more fully report on this Big Dumb Skull, I can’t say I’m disappointed that I didn’t have to listen to what is most likely a terrible demo.
— Friar Johnsen