TANK GENOCIDE, Devil Temptation  (2013, Infernal Commando)

The skull:
When the head craniologist (no pun intended) handed the intern a skull and a tiny ruler and said “can you get a measurement on that?,” he wasn’t fucking talking about the goddamn teeth. “The bullet hole, stupid, the bullet hole!” Kid’s interning down at the local Stop-n-Shop convenience store now, fucking up counts of cases of Red Bull and boxes of Slim Jim. No rocket scientist, he.

The music:
Tank Genocide is the work of yet another French fruitcake who hates all non-Aryan human beings and releases about 47 cassette demos per year to tell everyone all about it. Anyone who will listen anyway. Which is probably about 14 people. I’m all for sick, fuzzy, ultra-bleak blizzards of black metal noise, but if it’s junk, it’s junk, and this is junk. Not that I have any concern for the welfare of the Nationalist Socialist Black Metal movement, but it would probably not be such an easy-to-dismiss joke if more of the bands were actually good.  With song titles like “Fuck the Pretentious Wankers” (guess that would include me) and “True Black Metal and a Big Dose of Penetration” (’nuff said), it’s possible the guy is not exactly on-topic with Devil Temptation. But then other Tank Genocide releases Aryan Macht, Nordic Heritage and Fascism is Our Ideal – classics all, to be sure! — take up that slack.
— Friar Wagner

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